Job Description Assessment – START HERE

Welcome!  As a practical example of our recruiting strategy consulting, here is a free 8-step assessment and tips to upgrade your current job descriptions.

Updating your job description takes a little time, but is free and goes a long way in attracting the talent you want to join your company.

The job description is often the first impression for a candidate so the most important starting point.  Our recruiting consulting covers the breadth of candidate first impressions: Job Description, Careers Page, Linkedin Profiles for key hiring managers, Recruiting Video, Email autoreply response and secret shopping your recruiting process.  We then benchmark you against 3 top talent competitors to see how you stack up.

On average, we increase speed of hire by 50%, make the process more efficient and higher quality hires for using free/cheap new approaches.

To learn more about our recruiting strategy consulting, please contact: Paul Freed/Recruiting Consulting Practice Lead –

We’ve moved these blog articles over to our main Herd Freed Hartz page to make it easier to find and reference.  So please check it out and hope you find them valuable and insightful:

Upgrade Your Job Description (click to view)

You’ll learn the 8 steps of a winning Job Description Template that has worked for us for 20+ years and in working with 300+ clients:

Job Description Components